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Dec. 20, 2021

Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - Your Finishing Strong Mindset to Close-out 2021

Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - Your Finishing Strong Mindset to Close-out 2021

Hello everyone and welcome back to Mindset Monday with Andree Martin on the Success InSight Podcast

Andrée Martin, Mindset Monday - Your Finishing Strong Mindset to Close-out 2021.

MINDSET MONDAY - Your Finishing Strong Mindset to Close-out 2021.

Andrée Martin is Your Leadership Mindset & Golf Performance Coach.

Andrée is an LPGA Class A Life Member, a Nationally Recognized Top 50 Golf Teacher and Expert, a member of the Maine Golf Hall of Fame, and she is a Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Master Certified Coach.

Recognizing Golf’s value as a business tool in today’s competitive marketplace, Andrée works with individuals, groups, corporate or organizational clients to create educational and team-building programs that enhance the professional success of aspiring executives.

Andrée returns to the Success InSight Podcast for another episode of Mindset Monday, to chat about, “Your Finishing Strong Mindset to Close-out 2021”.

Key points include:

What a year! Through COVID and through all the Pivot(s). All while hoping to make America kind again, productive and prosperous again!
The best golfer’s deal with the Hazards and Traps in their way. Mindset is all in how we react to the situation, the moments, what we have done to ourselves, and with the unexpected. Is your Vision (destination) Complete?

  1. Two weeks left… how can you finish as strong as possible? Still on purpose?
  2. Did you keep your commitments? or cave? or pivot?
    • How can you finish stronger yet?
  3. Did you hold yourself and your team(s) accountable?
    • How can you shift, pivot complete and finish stronger yet?
  4. It is all perspective and numbers
    • Golf… dispersion in each category tighter or wider? 
    • Putts lowered or not?

Goals (path taken): Did your game plan work? Results?

  1. Did you meet your goals?
    • More birdies eagles and pars than ever?
    • What else is possible down this final stretch as we look ahead to an even better 2022?
  2. What did you accomplish?
    • List them out with gratitude
    • Where can the warrior’s mindset strengthen the final stretch?
    • What needs to change going into 2022?
    • When it comes to Leadership depth, 
      • Where can we increase?
      • Add more artful creativity?
      • More practical? 
      • More simplistic or expansive?

Last week’s list + gratitude. 

The year-end is pulling it all together. 

Acknowledge the good. 

  • List what you accomplished to fulfill the vision and goals, then you are ready to head into 2022 Stronger than ever!
  • Go for the Gold, don’t settle for Silver, and Finish Strong!

Thank you for your participation and feedback this year. We would gratefully love to hear more from you and your success as we all focus forward to the best 2022!

Many birdies pars and eagles!

To learn more about Andrée and her work, you can visit her website at https://andreegolf.com.

You can also follow Andree on the following social sites: 


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