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March 18, 2020

Clare Stead, Owner & Creator of Oliiki

Clare Stead, Owner & Creator of Oliiki

Clare Stead is the Owner & Creator of Oliiki

Oliiki is an app that offers great learning from the start. Oliiki was developed for your Smart Device and is designed to help parents find the learning in everyday play to help their bump or baby reach their full potential.

Clare is a teacher by training, who then became an education researcher and has now turned to eLearning. Clare has created an eLearning for primary aged children around the world. She has built eLearning content for adults to help them learn new skills and is now creating eLearning content for parents to understand the learning in everyday play that their babies are getting.

To learn more about Clare and Oliiki, visit her website at https://www.oliiki.com.

You can also connect with Clare on the following social sites:


To download and begin using Oliiki with your infant, you can find the Oliiki app on:


To learn more about the philosophy and work of Sir Ken Robinson, you can visit his website at http://sirkenrobinson.com.

Additional resources include:

Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University
Saving Brains, Grand Challenges Canada
First Things First

The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc. and First Story Strategies.