Our Guest today on the Success InSight Podcast is Denise Bossarte.
Denise is a thriver. She's an award-winning writer and artist. Denise first joined us on Success InSight in 2019 to introduce us to Glamorous: A Grace Bishop Novel, an award-winning teen & young adult paranormal & urban fantasy series.
In 2019, Denise’s unpublished manuscript “Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bondage to the Past and Live a Life You Love” was a Quarterfinalist in the 2019 BookLife Prize Nonfiction Contest, Self-help Category, and a 5-Star Readers’ Favorite review recipient.
It’s a pleasure to have Denise return as our guest on Success InSight to celebrate the publishing of Thriving After Sexual Abuse and to learn more about Denise’s journey.
Denise invites you to visit the Thriving Sexual Abuse Book website at https://thrivingaftersexualabusebook.com/
If you or someone you know & love is navigating their sexual abuse journey, Denise invites you to peruse the Healing Journey Library on her website.
Click here to get your copy of “Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bondage to the Past and Live the Life you Love” on Amazon.
More About Denise
Denise is a certified meditation facilitator and contemplative arts teacher, and an information technology (IT) professional. She holds a B.A. in chemistry, an M.S. in computer science, and a Ph.D. in developmental neuroscience.
You can also connect with Denise on the following social sites:
The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.