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Nov. 3, 2022

Kim Wilkish, Leadership Coach and Founder of New Tides Coaching

Kim Wilkish, Leadership Coach and Founder of New Tides Coaching

Our guest today on the Coaching & Consulting Insights Series is Kim Wilkish.

Kim is a Leadership Coach and Founder of New Tides Coaching. She is passionate about helping people thrive in their careers by developing their leadership without sacrificing their well-being or personal life.

Aha Moment

Seeing a client or colleague take a new role that they can further grow in and positively impacts others.


Take time to play and to rest. It's more important than ever now, and it's critical to your well-being.


Why did you decide to create the Becoming and Being A Leader card deck?
How can people gain access to it?

Next Steps

To learn more about Kim, visit her website at https://newtidescoaching.com, and don't forget to retrieve your copy of the Personal Well-Being Check-up, while you're there.

You can also learn more about Kim on the following social sites:


The SuccessInSight Podcast is a production of Fox Coaching, Inc.