Lori Vann, M.A., LPC-S is on a GLOBAL MISSION to PREVENT the start of Self-injurious behaviors (NSSI) and stop needless deaths by suicide. She is a Global Authority on Self-injury and a Suicide Interventionist.
Lori holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology, she is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S), with over 20 yrs of Clinical experience, and she is an International Speaker.
Lori has offered numerous books on the Amazon website, including:
A Practitioner's Guide to the Treatment of Self-injury: Tips, Techniques, Activities, and Debates - Audiobook, and, A Caregiver's Guide to Self-injury.
Lori also invites you to visit her website at https://lorivann.com.
Link to the SuccessInsight Podcast: https://www.successinsightpodcast.com/2019/09/lori-vann-ma-lpc-s-episode-1034.html